First, Squonk took a tour of the town in The Great Gazoo's spaceship. Among the sites to see are the homes of the Flintstones and the Rubbles, the Bedrock Bowling Alley, Mr. Slate's quarry, and the Bedrock Airport.
Above you see Squonk Lockjaw taking in some Star Trek related videos in the museum's theater. This particular clip is a well-known internet mash-up where the crew of the Enterprise encounter Darth Vader. Squonk felt a little out of place as the guy sitting in front of him was dressed in a Starfleet uniform.
Another fun feature was the Holodeck. You can actually choose from several different Star Trek related environments. Here it is set for the deck of a Borg ship.
I am Squonk of Borg...Resistance is futile.