Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Dancing and Giant Horses

I knew there were a lot of strange things in Second Life, but I have to admit, I did not expect to see a horse playing a giant Simon game.

Dancing seems to be one of the major passtimes in Second Life. No, that's not me dancing, I'm the wallflower looking bored on the stool in the background. I guess we'll see if Squonk decides to cut a rug soon.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Introducing Squonk Lockjaw

One of the most intriguing things I've encountered on the web is the virtual world of Second Life. The world is huge and is completely created by the users. I've just started exploring the world and I've decided to start documenting my travels in this blog. There's a lot of cool stuff "in world," there's a lot of nasty stuff too. We'll just document the cool stuff here, hopefully we can avoid the nastiness.

My avatar's name is "Squonk Lockjaw." Users are allowed to choose their first name and then choose from a long list of last names. Above you can see how he currently looks. It's absolutely nowhere close to how I look, but I suppose that's part of the fun of it.

One of the cool things I've already been able to check out is the Second Life campus of LifeChurch.TV. I started following Life Church's messages earlier this year. Last spring I was a pretty regular attendee at their internet campus. I'd watch their message on Saturday night so I could serve in Children's Church on Sunday morning. The Second Life campus shows the message live on Sunday mornings. Having just visited two of the actual LifeChurch.TV campuses in Oklahoma City about a week ago, it was amazing at how much the Second Life campus looks like the real thing.

There's a lot of great live music going on in world. Last night I was able to visit Molaskey's Pub for a concert by Skinny Shepherd. Skinny manages to do a great job playing despite his unique way of holding the guitar. I'm not one to talk though, I have a feeling that if I tried to play a guitar it would end up stuck to my avatar's forehead.

That's about it for now. Stay tuned for further explorations of Second Life